Wednesday 31st August
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:30 Opening
Session 1: Fluids, deformation and metamorphism
Chair: Ernie Rutter, Albert Griera
9:40 - 10:10 A hydromechanical model for lower crustal fluid flow
James Connolly (invited)
10:10 - 10:30 Dislocation creep derived syn-deformational porosity development in highstrain shear zones:
interplay between dislocation migration and selective dissolution by common metamorphic fluids
Marco A. Billia, Virginia G. Toy, Nick E. Timms, David J. Prior and Rob Hart
10:30 - 10:50 Pressure solution cleavage organised infilling. Insights from the Mt. Catria site (Northern Apennines)
Stefano Tavani, Fabrizio Storti and Josep Antón Muñoz
10:50 - 11:10 Friction of marble under seismic deformation conditions in the presence of fluids
Marie Violay, S. Nielsen, E. Spagnuolo, G. Di Toro and S. Smith
11:10 - 11:50 Coffee break
11:50 - 12:10 Deformation of muscovite at low strain rates under hydrothermal conditions
Julian Mecklenburgh, Ernie Rutter and Katharine Brodie
12:10 - 12:30 New conceptual model for how metamorphism and deformation interact in porous materials
John Wheeler, S. Llana-Funez and D. R. Faulkner
12:30 - 12:50 The effect of hydrothermally generated talc on fault strength
Amy C. Ellis, Ernie Rutter, Kate Brodie and Julian Mecklenburgh
12:50 - 13:10 A km-scale fluidised breccia in the Mesoproterozoic Mt. Painter Inlier of South Australia
Paul D. Bons, Anett Weisheit and Marlina A. Elburg
13:10 - 13:30 Fluid-controlled dynamic opening and closing of fracture permeability at the crustal scale:
a new numerical approach
Enrique Gómez-Rivas, Paul D. Bons, Philipp Blum, Daniel Koehn and Thomas Wagner
13:30 - 15:10 Lunch at the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe restaurant
Session 2: Earth surface processes and tectonics
Chair: Djordje Grujic
15:10 - 15:40 River catchments of the Himalaya as self-correcting strain markers
Hugh Sinclair (invited)
15:40 - 16:00 Tectonics and structural controls of fluvial network in the Duero Catchment, NW Iberia
Loreto Antón, A. Muñoz, G. De Vicente, A. Gomes and C. Ferreira
16:00 - 16:20 The influence of fault segmentation on drainage network re-organisation and basin stratigraphy
Simon H. Brocklehurst, Emma Finch and Robert L. Gawthorpe
16:20 - 16:40 3D geologic model for the Cenozoic evolution of the Tuz Gölü Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey)
based on seismo-tectonic analysis
David Fernández-Blanco and Giovanni Bertotti
17:00 - 19:00 Posters (and beer)
Thursday 1st September
Session 3: Microstructure of deformed rocks
Chairs: Elisabetta Mariani, Andre Niemeijer
9:00 - 9:30 The Microstructural and Rheological Evolution of Shear Zones
Nicholas Austin (invited)
9:30 - 9:50 Deformation and ultrafine recrystallization of quartz in pseudotachylyte-bearing faults:
a matter of a few seconds
Michel Bestmann, G. Pennacchioni, S. Nielsen, M. Göken and H. de Wall
9:50 - 10:10 Thermometry of Quartz Mylonites:
Importance of dynamic recrystallization on Ti-in-quartz re-equilibration
Djordje Grujic, Michael Stipp and Joe Wooden
10:10 - 10:30 Linking fabric and texture development to three-dimensional strain evolution in
deformed quartzite and granitoid conglomerate clasts
Dyanna M. Czeck, Eric Horsman, Terra N. D. Anderson and Basil Tikoff
10:30 - 10:50 Rheomorphic shear zones in granites: examples from the Central Iberian Zone,
Variscan Iberian Massif
Carlos Fernández, Guillermo Corretgé and Antonio Castro
10:50 - 11:10 Linking titanium-in-quartz thermometry and quartz microstructures: strong evidence of continued
vein formation during strain localization
Mike Härtel and Marco Herwegh
11:10 - 11:50 Coffee break
11:50 - 12:10 Comparing microstructures from natural and experimental deformation in a high-porosity bioclast
Ulrike Exner and Patrick Baud
12:10 - 12:30 Porphyroclast rotation in polycrystalline aggregates: a numerical approach
Albert Griera, Paul D. Bons, Mark W. Jessell, Ricardo Lebensohn, Lynn Evans and
Enrique Gómez-Rivas
12:30 - 12:50 Influence of phyllosilicate mineralogy on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
Tom Haerinck, Rieko Adriaens, Ann M. Hirt, Timothy Debacker and Manuel Sintubin
12:50 - 13:10 Dislocation creep of dry quartz
Rüdiger Kilian, Renée Heilbronner and Holger Stünitz
13:10 - 13:30 Grain size reduction of feldspar and pyroxene, phase mixing and strain localization in lower crustal
shear zones (Lofoten, Northern Norway)
Luca Menegon, Holger Stünitz, Pritam Nasipuri, Henrik Svahnberg and Renee Heilbronner (cancelled)
13:30 - 15:10 Lunch at Auditorio Príncipe Felipe restaurant
15:10 - 15:40 The effect of CO2-brine-rock interaction on the mechanical properties of intact rocks
Suzanne Hangx (invited)
15:40 - 16:00 Quantitative microstructural analyses of natural gold alloys
Angela Halfpenny and Robert M. Hough
16:00 - 16:20 Scanning Electron Microscopy combined with Focused Ion Beam and potential applications on the
nanometre-scale and 3D study of microstructures of geomaterials
Luiz F. G. Morales and Richard Wirth
16:20 - 16:40 Time lapse microstructural analysis of gold recrystallisation and coarsening
Dan Tatham, Elisabetta Mariani, Rob Hough, John Wheeler, Dave Prior and Andrew Cross
16:40 - 17:00 Compaction related microstructure in chromitites from the Merensky Reef
(Bushveld Complex, South Africa)
Zoja Vukmanovic, S.J. Barnes, S.M. Reddy, B. Godel and M.L. Fiorentini
17:00 - 18:30 Posters (and beer)
18:30 - 19:30 General Assembly
21:00 Conference dinner at Hotel Tryp Oviedo
Friday 2nd September
Session 4: Folding and faulting in rocks
Chair: Josep Poblet
9:20 - 9:50 Shear zones and associated structures at the Variscan Front, South Wales
Richard J Lisle and Deepak C Srivastava (invited)
9:50 - 10:10 The neutral lines in buckle folds
Marcel Frehner
10:10 - 10:30 Lithospheric scale folding related magmatism in NW Iberia.
Post Variscan magmatism in time and space
Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Javier Fernández-Suárez, Teresa E. Jeffries, Stephen T. Johnston,
Daniel Pastor-Galán and Arlo B. Weil
10:30 - 10:50 The structure of Western Cordillera Septentrional: transpressive deformation and strain partitioning
in an island arc (Hispaniola)-continent (North America) oblique collisional setting
Pedro P. Hernáiz Huerta, F. Pérez Valera, M. Abad de los Santos, J. Monthel, P. Urien, A. Diaz de Neira,
E. Lopera, M. Joubert and A. Pérez-Estaún
10:50 - 11:10 Buttressing in the hanginwall of a Mesozoic normal fault (Asturian Basin, NW Spain);
section constructed via photogrammetric methods
Hodei Uzkeda, J. Poblet, M. Bulnes, S. Martín and J.C. García-Ramos
11:10 - 11:50 Coffee break
11:50 - 12:10 Structure and Geological History of the Carboneras Fault Zone, S.E. Spain
Ernest H. Rutter, Ray Burgess and Daniel R. Faulkner
12:10 - 12:30 Fracture formation and development in a crystalline basement reservoir, central Yemen
Resi Veeningen, Bernhard Grasemann, Kurt Decker, A. Hugh N. Rice and Ralf Bischoff
12:30 - 12:50 Kinematic constrains on lithospheric-scale oroclinal bending of the Ibero-Armorican Arc along the
northern margin of Gondwana: a paleomagnetic and structural synthesis
Arlo Brandon Weil and Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso
12:50 - 13:10 Evolution of the Extensional Parallel Folding and Faulting In the Northern Part of the Menderes
Metamorphic Core Complex (Western Turkey)
Şener Üşümezsoy, Namik Aysal and İsak Yilmaz
13:30 - 15:10 Lunch at Auditorio Príncipe Felipe restaurant
Session 5: Crustal-scale deformation
Chair: Giorgio Ranalli
15:10 - 15:40 The brittle-plastic transition during the seismic cycle
Claudia Trepmann (invited)
15:40 - 16:00 A mesoscale constitutive model for rocks undergoing stress-driven melt segregation, applied to
corrosion of lithospheric mantle
Benjamin K. Holtzman, Daniel S. H. King, David L. Kohlstedt and Mousumi Roy
16:00 - 16:20 Rheology of granitoid fault rocks at the “brittle-to-plastic” transition: an experimental study
Matej Pec, Holger Stünitz and Renée Heilbronner
16:20 - 16:40 Quartz veins as proxy for coupled fluid pressure and stress state evolution at the base of the
seismogenic crust: examples from the High-Ardenne Slate Belt (Belgium, Germany, France)
Manuel Sintubin, Koen Van Noten, Hervé Van Baelen and Philippe Muchez
16:40 - 17:00 Architecture of the orogenic mid-crust revealed by deep reflection seismic
Taija Torvela, Annakaisa Korja and Pekka Heikkinen
17:00 - 19:00 Posters (and beer)
Tectonic constraints on the uplift modes of erosive palaeosurfaces: study cases from the External Betics
Juan C. Balanyá, F. Moral, L. Barcos, M. Díaz-Azpiroz, I. Expósito, A. Jiménez-Bonilla, M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez
Tectonic controls on local drainage evolution in semi-arid active foreland basin margins (Betics, southern Spain)
Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz, Miguel Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Fernando Pérez-Valera, Francisco Moral and Inmaculada Expósito
Quantitatively structural control of the karst based on speleological cave survey data: Cabeza Llerosos massif (Picos de Europa, Spain)
Daniel Ballesteros, Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez, Joaquín García-Sansegundo, Miguel Borreguero
Marine terrace uplifting rates in the Cantabrian shore: contribution of U-Th speleothem dating
Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez, H. Stoll, S. Giralt A. Aranburu, A. Moreno, M.J. Domínguez-Cuesta, A. Méndez-Vicente, D. Ballesteros, G. Pirla, B.R. Valero-Garcés, H. Cheng, L. Edwards
Analysis of the transition diagenesis-metamorphism in the NE sector of the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain)
Silvia Blanco-Ferrera, J. Sanz-López, S. García-López, F. Bastida, M.L. Valín
Structural, petrographic and isotopic study of the Ziga peridotites (Western Pyrenees-Eastern Cantabrian Mountains): geodynamic implications
Irene DeFelipe, David Pedreira, Javier A. Pulgar, Eneko Iriarte, Miren Mendia
The Ronda peridotites: an example of dual emplacement sense of the subcontinental mantle (Betic Cordilleras)
José Julián Esteban, Julia Cuevas, Jose María Tubía
Primary coarse-granular lherzolites: the oldest lithospheric mantle in the Ronda peridotites (southern Spain)
José Julián Esteban, Jose María Tubía, Julia Cuevas, Néstor Vegas
Constraining deformation events within the HP-HT units of the NW Iberia Variscan belt
Francisco J. Fernández, P. Castiñeiras, J. Gómez-Barreiro, P. Valverde-Vaquero
Analogue rheological modelling of lithospheric orocline bending. Implications on the development of the Ibero-Armorican Arc
Daniel Pastor-Galán, Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso, Gernold Zulauf, Carlo Dietl, Friedhelm Zanella
Age precisions for the Permian magmatism (Sallent area, central Pyrenees)
Lidia Rodríguez, J. Cuevas, J.J. Esteban, J.M. Tubía, S. Sergeev, A. Larionov
Towards a rheological model for pluton emplacement: thermal constraints for the Late Miocene Monte Capanne pluton, Elba Island, Italy
A. Caggianelli, A. Lavecchia, Giorgio Ranalli, A. Dini, D. Liotta
Rheological contrast at the continental Moho: effects of composition, temperature, deformation mechanism, and tectonic regime
Giorgio Ranalli, M. Adams
The thermal state and rheological behavior of the lithosphere in the Spanish Central System and Tajo Basin from crustal heat production and thermal isostasy
Alberto Jiménez-Díaz, Javier Ruiz, Carlos Villaseca, Rosa Tejero, Ramón Capote
Serpentine rheology and its influence on the mantle wedge dynamics
Ken-ichi Hirauchi, Ikuo Katayama
Base of the seismogenic zone in NW Iberia
Sergio Llana-Fúnez, Carlos López Fernández
Partitioning of lithosphere stretching and thinning at continental rifted margins between pre- and syn-breakup deformation: Norwegian margin study
John G. Watson, N. J. Kusznir, A. Roberts
Ductile and brittle deformation structures of the Mäntsälä granodiorite batholith in southern Finland; observation at three scales
Marit Wennerström, Mira Markovaara-Koivisto
Frictional properties of Zuccale Fault rocks from room temperature to in-situ conditions: results from high strain rotary shear experiments
André Niemeijer, Cristiano Collettini, Chris Spiers
Fault-related pseudotachylytes in the Barcelona Plain (NE Spain): Evidence of paleoseismic activity
Irene Cantarero, Gemma Alías, Anna Travé, Vinyet Baqués
Microstructure and mineral fabric analysis of San Andreas Fault zone gouge from drill cores of the SAFOD borehole, Parkfield, CA
Manuel Kienast, Luiz F. G. Morales, Christoph Janssen, Hans-Rudolf Wenk, Erik Rybacki, Georg Dresen
Developments of Dauphiné twins, fractures, and fine grains in a quartz grain under brittle-plastic transition zone
Jun-ichi Fukuda
The effect of hydrothermally generated talc on fault strength
Amy C. Ellis, Ernie Rutter, Kate Brodie and Julian Mecklenburgh
Seismic properties and microstructures of serpentinite mylonites
Tohru Watanabe, Yuhto Shirasugi, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi
Flow stress history of a detachment system: combining recrystallized grain size, quartz CPO and deformation lamellae, Raft River (NW Utah)
Raphaël Gottardi, Christian Teyssier, Nick Seaton
The evolution of the quartz c-axis fabric pattern and the strain paths in the Kazdağ (Ida) Stack Antiform, Western Turkey
Şener Üşümezsoy
The influence of grain size on the deformation of polyphase rocks
Joe Tant, Stephen J. Covey-Crump, Paul F. Schofield
Microstructure evolution during the static recrystallization of cold-worked Carrara marble
Elisabetta Mariani, S.J. Covey-Crump, J. Mecklenburgh, J. Wheeler, D.J. Prior
Microdeformation of Carrara marble
Alejandra Quintanilla-Terminel, J. Brian Evans
Gypsum cement microstructures in fractures related with extensional event (Vilobí gypsum unit, Vallès – Penedès Basin, Miocene, NE Spain)
Mar Moragas, C. Martínez, V. Baqués, G. Alías, E. Playà
Kinematics Of The Northern Betic Cordillera From Gypsum Fabrics (South Spain): Tectonic Implications
Fernando Pérez-Valera, M. Sánchez-Gómez, L.A. Pérez-Valera, A. Pérez-López
Experimental deformation, partial melting, and compositional changes in perthitic K-feldspar at high pressure and temperature
Marianne Negrini, Holger Stünitz, Luca Menegon
Changes in deformation mechanisms and neocrystallization in granite during a MT-LP deformation (Vivero Fault, NW Spain)
Marco A. López-Sánchez, S. Llana-Fúnez, A. Marcos and F.J. Martínez
3D imaging and analysis of fracture networks, porosity and permeability in a reservoir dolomite, using micro-Computed Tomography
Maarten H. Voorn, A. Rath, U. Exner
Comparison of the Brittle Deformation Characteristics of Darley Dale and Pennant Sandstones
Abigail Hackston, E. H. Rutter
Diachronous SC geometries: an example from the Vepor Unit, West Carpathians
Zita Bukovská, Petr Jeřábek, Ondrej Lexa, Jiří Konopásek, Marian Janák
A discrete characterization of the porosity evolution during gypsum dehydration based on an in-situ microtomographic heating experiment
Florian Fusseis, Christoph Schrank, Jie Liu, Benjamin Garnault, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb Ali Karrech, Sergio Llana-Funez
Folds, gashes and saw-tooth structures in the south-central Pyrenees
Jesús Aller, F. Bastida, R.J. Lisle, N.C. Bobillo-Ares, C.O. Menéndez
Reconstruction of thrust-related folds from superficial data: comparison of different balanced interpretations
Isabel Moriano, Josep Poblet, Mayte Bulnes
Folded Variscan duplex in the Herrera Unit of the Iberian Range
Pablo Calvín, A.M. Casas
Overlap of salt tectonics, thin-skinned tectonics and syntectonic sedimentation: Structure and kinematics of the Sierras Marginales in the Olvena area
Pablo Santolaria, A.M. Casas, A. Luzón.
Anatomy of an intraplate strike-slip inversion belt: the Ubierna Fault System
Stefano Tavani, P. Granado, A. Quintà, E. Carola
Geometric modelling and fracture prediction: examples from seismic, remotely sensed and field data
Tina Lohr, Jorge Ginés
Structural modelling: from satellite interpretation to cross-section construction
Jorge Ginés, Mike Oehlers
3D geological reconstruction of Puerta-Pareja fault-propagation fold (Loranca Basin, Central Spain)
Manoel Valcarcel, Josep Anton Muñoz, Ruth Soto
Structural evolution of the Jabal Akhdar dome (Oman): insights from fracture and vein networks
Enrique Gómez-Rivas, Paul D. Bons, Daniel Koehn, Janos L. Urai, Max Arndt, Simon Virgo, Ben Laurich, Conny Zeeb, Lena Stark, Philipp Blum
Single layer folding in non-coaxial conditions up to high strain
Maria-Gema Llorens, Paul D. Bons, Albert Griera, Enrique Gómez-Rivas
Tectonic evolution of the Sierras Interiores (South Pyrenean Zone, central Pyrenees)
Lidia Rodríguez, J. Cuevas, J.M. Tubía
Relationship between cleavage and thrust-related deformation in the southern margin of the Pyrenean Axial Zone (Bujaruelo valley, Huesca)
Esther Izquierdo-Llavall, Antonio Casas-Sainz, Inmaculada Gil-Peña, Chiara Invernizzi
Facing confrontation in coaxial deformation during the main Variscan tectonic event; SW Portuguese sector of Centro-Iberian Zone
Daniel Metodiev, José Romão, Rui Dias, António Ribeiro
Structure and Geological History of the Carboneras Fault Zone, S.E. Spain
Ernest H. Rutter, Ray Burgess and Daniel R. Faulkner
Ground-truthing in-situ seismic data against geological data: the Carboneras Fault Zone, S.E. Spain
Rochelle Taylor, Ernest Rutter, Kate Brodie, Daniel Faulkner, Stuart Nippress, Andreas Rietbrock, Christian Haberland
Testing transpression models in brittle shear zones compared with ductile deformation. A standardized procedure with contrasting approaches
Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz, Leticia Barcos, Carlos Fernández, Dyanna Czeck
Protocol for testing the model of oblique transpression with oblique extrusion in ductile shear zones
Carlos Fernández, Manuel Díaz-Azpiroz, Dyanna Czeck
Initiation and evolution of shear zone-related lozenges
Carlos Ponce, Elena Druguet, Jordi Carreras
Finite strain analysis in quartzites; methods and markers
Alexis Soares, Rui Dias
Application of shearband boudins analysis to understand ductile shear zones
João P. Sousa, Benedito C. Rodrigues, Jorge Pamplona
Strain partitioning of Variscan deformation in the Peso da Régua – Vila Nova de Foz Côa region (Centro-Iberian autochthon): The Douro Flower Structure
Noel Moreira, Mauro Búrcio, Rui Dias, Carlos Coke
Tomar-Badajoz-Córdoba shear zone in Abrantes region; the presence of a kilometric sheath fold?
Noel Moreira, Jorge Pedro, Rui Dias, António Ribeiro, José Romão
to download: DRT2011-abstractvolume.pdf