Reflection and Refraction Seismics, Surface waves and Down-hole
- GLOBE Claritas (GNS) and ProMAX 2D (Landmark EASE Ltd.) proocessing of reflection seismic data.
- Charisma and CPS-3 (Schlumberger-GeoQuest); interpretation of seismic data.
- WinSeis, proocessing of reflection seismic data.
- Charisma and CPS-3 (Schlumberger-GeoQuest), processing of seismic data.
- EarthWave, GX Technology
- The KINGDOM Suite+. Thanks to Seismic Micro-Technology for the free licenses
Zelt & Smith Soft; interpretation of refraction seismic data.
- Pickwin and Plotrefa, processing and interpretation of seismic data.
- SeisOpt2D y SeisOptPro, interpretation of seismic refraction data.
- SeisOpt ReMi 4.0, processing and interpretation of surface waves.
- SurfSeis, processing and interpretation of surface waves.
- WIN DownHole, down-hole processing and interpretation.
- SAC (Seismic Analysis Code)
PASSCAL seismic processing.
- HYPO71: hipocentral location of seismic events.
FPFIT y FPPLOT: focal mechanisms.
- Trimble Geomatic Office (TGO): GPS data processing
Gravimetry and Magnetometry
- Program GM-SYS: 2.75D magnetic and gravimetric modelling.
- Program IGMAS for 3D modelling of potential fields.
- Potential-Field Geophysical Software: utilities.
- ArcInfo 9.2, ERMapper, Autocad, Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).