
VIII Congreso Geológico de España

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Pre-congress fieldtrips

Post-congress fieldtrips

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Carlés Au-Cu mine (Photo: A. Martín Izard). Fieldtrip A5.
Lake Enol (National Park of Picos de Europa): an example of glaciar, karstic and gravitational modelling (Photo: M.J. Domínguez). Fieldtrip B2.
 Slate quarry in La Cabrera (León (Photo: V. Pais). Fieldtrip A4.
Useful links:
logooviedo Oviedo
Touristic info
logoasturias Asturias
Touristic info


Eight pre- and post-congress fieldtrips, lasting 1 or 2 days, are offered to the congress participants. On these fieldtrips, several topics of the geology of NW Spain will be shown. Departure and return of fieldtrips will take place in Oviedo, with the exception of fieldtrip A4, which departs from Ponferrada (León) and returns in Oviedo.

Please note that field trips will be run in Spanish, although eventually some explanations could be given also in English -contact the Congress Organization for further details on this topic.

Pre-congress fieldtrips

El patrimonio natural y cultural de Castrillón: geología, fósiles e historia minera (The cultural and natural heritage of Castrillón: Geology, Paleontology, and mining history). Duration: 1 day (July 16th).
minimum of 30 participants
maximum of 40 participants
M. Arbizu, I. Méndez-Bedia, P. Busquets, A. Pérez-Estaún, D.J. Álvarez-Lao and P. Turrero
Price: 55 € Includes: transportation (coach), field trip guide, visit to the restoration works of the old coal mine of Arnao and to its museum, and lunch.
Approximate time of departure from Oviedo: 09:30. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 19:00.
El Cuaternario del Valle del Trubia: evolución geomorfológica, faunística y humana (The Quaternary record of the Trubia valley: geomorphological, faunistic and human evolution). Duration: 1 day (July 15th). minimum of 30 participants
maximum of 40 participants
G.E. Adán, M. Arbizu, J.L. Arsuaga, M. Jiménez, I. Méndez-Bedia, D.J. Álvarez-Laó and P. Turrero
Price: 60 € Includes: transportation (coach), field trip guide, visit to the Alesga Museum of Prehistory (Teverga) and lunch.
Approximate time of departure from Oviedo: 09:30. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 19:00.
Visita geológica y geotécnica a los accesos de los túneles de base de la variante de Pajares (Geology and geotechnics of the accesses to the base tunnels of the Pajares high speed link). Duration: 1 day (July 16th). minimum of 17 participants
maximum of 20 participants
D. Arias Prieto and C. López Fernández
Price: 40 € Includes: transportation (4WD vehicles), field trip guide, and coffee break*.
Approximate time of
departure from Oviedo: 09:00. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 14:30*.
*Lunch, once back in Oviedo, is not included
Yacimientos y explotaciones de pizarra para cubiertas (Deposits and mining exploitations of roofing slates). Duration: 1 day (July 16th; participants are expected to arrive the day before, July 15th, in Ponferrada, León*). minimum of 15 participants
maximum of 20 participants
V. Cárdenes Van den Eynde and A. Rubio Ordóñez
Price: 94 € Includes: transportation (coach) starting in Ponferrada*, field trip guide, and lunch.
Approximate time of departure from Ponferrada: 09:30*. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 20:00.
*Participants may travel from Oviedo to Ponferrada on the field trip coach. They should contact the field trip organization in advance. Departure from Oviedo will take place at the Congress venue (PEC Oviedo) at 07:30 (approximately). Further details will be given upon request.
Los cinturones auríferos de Asturias y sus yacimientos de oro y oro-cobre (The asturian gold belts and their associated Au-Cu deposits). Duration: 1 day (July 16th). minimum of 17 participants
maximum of 25 participants
A. Martín Izard, M. Fuertes Fuente and M.A. Cepedal Hernández
Price: 50 € Includes: transportation (coach), field trip guide, visit to mine facilities of Boinás El Valle and Carlés, and lunch (picnic).
Time of departure from Oviedo: 09:00. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 19:30.

Post-congress fieldtrips

La estructura varisca a través de la Zona Asturoccidental-Leonesa, NO de la Península Ibérica (The Variscan structure in a transect across the Westasturian-Leonese Zone, NW Iberian Peninsula). Duration: 2 days (July 20-21th). minimum of 30 participants
maximum of 50 participants
F. Bastida Ibáñez and J. Aller Manrique

Price: 95 € Includes: transportation (coach), field trip guide, lunches (picnic lunch on 1st day), accomodation (double room*) with dinner and breakfast.
Time of departure from Oviedo: 08:30 (20th July). Overnight in Foz. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 20:00 (21st July).
*A limited number of single rooms will be available at an additional fee of 12,5 €.
Geomorfología y registros del último máximo glaciar en la Cordillera Cantábrica: del Macizo Occidental de los Picos de Europa al Parque Natural de Redes (The Last Glacial Maximum in the Cantabrian Mountains: geomorphologic evidences and Quaternary records in the western Massif of  Picos de Europa and the Redes Natural Park). Duration: 2 days (July 20-21th). minimum of 18 participants
maximum of 26 participants
M. Jiménez Sánchez, M.J. Domínguez Cuesta and P. Farias Arquer

Price: 174 € Includes: transportation (coach; 4WD vehicles for reaching some outcrops), field trip guide, lunches (picnic), accomodation (double room) with dinner and breakfast.
Time of departure from Oviedo: 08:30 (20th July). Overnight in Riaño. Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 19:00 (21st July).
Evolución espacial y temporal de la cuenca de antepaís varisca de la Zona Cantábrica: desde el estadio molasa a las cuencas transportadas (Spatio-temporal evolution of the Variscan foreland basin of the Cantabrian Zone: from the molasse stage to the thust-top basins). Duration: 2 days (July 20-21th)*. minimum of 20 participants
maximum of 30 participants
J.R. Colmenero, J.R. Bahamonde, L.P. Fernández and O. Merino-Tomé
Price: 75 € Includes: transportation (coach), field trip guide and lunches (picnic)*.
Time of departure from Oviedo: 09:00 (20th and 21st July). Approximate time of return in Oviedo: 20:00 (20th and 21st July)*. Overnight in Oviedo*.
*Accomodation, dinner and breakfast for 20th July in Oviedo is not included. Participants are kindly requested to extend their hotel reservation.

Important dates for fieldtrips (check also the congress calendar):
March 20th deadline for registration (extended deadline: April 15th).
May 31st deadline for payment.

Registration to the field trips will be done through the Scientific Secretariat. Field trips are reserved on a first come, first served basis.

Final registration and fees payment will be done after March 20th or once the final programme  is confirmed. Field trips may be cancelled if under-suscribed.

Please note that field trips will be run in Spanish, although eventually some explanations could be given also in English -contact the Scientific Secretariat for further details on this topic.

Neither the Congress Organization nor the field trip leaders are responsible for insurance covering illness or injury for individuals.

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Contact us

Scientific Secretariat and Correspondence
VIII Congreso Geológico de España
Dpto de Geologí­a. Universidad de Oviedo
C/ Arias de Velasco s/n
33005 Oviedo, España

cge2012 at geol.uniovi.es

Technical Secretariat:
Fundación Universidad de Oviedo (FUO)
(Roberto J. González Fernández, Adriana Suárez Paredes)
C/ Principado, 3, 4º.  33007-Oviedo
Tlf:+34 985.104.935/36  Fax: +34 985.104.928
roberto.fuo at uniovi.es, adriana.fuo at uniovi.es
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February 27th, 2012

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