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Scientific Programme of the Congress consists of the Scientific Sessions,
Symposia, Round Tables,
and Invited
the basis of the preliminary outline of sessions and of the
participants´ suggestions received through their preliminary
registration, the provisional programme of scientific
sessions is
as follows:
Preliminary outline
of sessions (First Circular):
- Climate:
past, present and future.
- Teaching
and History
of Geology.
- Stratigraphy
and Sedimentology.
- Geophysics.
- Structural
Geology and Tectonics.
- Marine
- Geomorphology.
- Geochemistry,
Petrology and Vulcanology.
- Hydrogeology.
- Geological
Engineering and Geotechnics.
- Mineralogy.
- Palaeontology.
- Geological
Heritage and Geodiversity.
- Geological
- Natural
Hazards, Land Management and Environmental Geology.
- Recent
Tectonics and Palaeoseismicity.
- Remote
Sensing and Geo-Informatics.
- Miscellaneous.
Participants´proposals of
scientific sessions
- Geochronology.
- Paleomagnetism
(Magiber VII).
programme of scientific sessions will be announced after
the deadline for contribution submission. Only those
scientific sessions with more
than 10-14 approved oral contributions will be held.
Otherwise, their contributions will be included in a related session or
in the miscellaneous session.
the participants´ proposals, the provisional outline of symposia is as
Geodynamical processes along a
convergence zone: the
case of the Western Mediterranean.
A. Crespo Blanc (Univ. de
Granada), M. Comas (Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra,
CSIC-UGR, Granada)
western Mediterranean region is an exceptional
natural laboratory for the study of the geodynamic processes related
with the convergence
between the African and European plates from Cenozoic onwards. It is
well-know that our understanding of the tectonic evolution of this
region can only
emerges from multi-disciplinary studies. Therefore, contributions from
disciplines --geology, geophysics and geodetics-- that study different
aspects of
the evolution of this region are welcome. These data will nourish
controversial but surely fruitful discussions. |
Annual symposium of the
Topo-Iberia Project.
J. Gallart (IJA – CSIC
Barcelona), F. J. Alvarez Pulgar (Univ. de Oviedo), R. Rodríguez
Fernández (IGME Madrid) |
Details on this symposium will be added soon. |
Geological hazards in
continental and marine settings. |
F. M. Alonso Chaves (Univ. De
Huelva), D. Casas Layola (IGME Madrid).
Scientific understanding of all the processes and events that may
result in
geological hazards is key to implementing hazard management protocols.
Exhaustive study of all those mechanisms and processes, operating in
both continental and marine seetings and at different temporal and
spatial scales, may result in improved management efficiency and in
lowered economic and human costs associated to geological risks. The
recent events of the Lorca earthquake, the Tōhoku tsunami or
the El Hierro submarine eruption reveal that extreme events with a
impact on human societies are linked to continental and
marine settings, being both worthy of specific attention by the
Contourite depositional
systems: their oceanographic, palaeo-oceanographic and sedimentary
implications and influence over slope stability and resource
F. J. Hernández Molina (Univ. de
Vigo); D. Stow (Heriot-Watt
University, Edimburgh), H. Matías (REPSOL Madrid).
Contourite processes exert a significant impact on continental margin
and abyssal plain sedimentation. Contourite features comprise
individual contourite drifts and erosional elements, which form
together extensive and
complex Contourite Depositional Systems (CDSs). Their study will yield
important data for
stratigraphic, sedimentological, palaeoceanographic and
research, as well as improved understanding of deep marine geohabitats,
mineral and energy resources. This symposiums is aimed at providing a
scientifically stimulating and socially enjoyable atmosphere to discuss
results and ideas related to
contourite systems worldwide and should be of interest to both academia
industry geoscientist. |
Geology of the Andean
Cordillera and its foreland.
N. Heredia Carballo (IGME
Oviedo), F. Colombo Piñol (Univ. de
Barcelona), J. García- Sansegundo (Univ. de Oviedo).
The Andes constitute the best example of subduction-related
belts. This multidisciplinary symposium aims to bring together the last
advances in their knowledge. The symposium will also deal with the
Andean foreland, where they lie the retroarc foreland basin and several
basement blocks that were re-activated during the Cenozoic Andean
orogeny, which
in turn resulted in the present-day configuration of the cordillera.
topic of interest is the paleozoic evolution of the western margin of
America. It formed part of one of the Gondwana margins at that time and
was the
site of the accretion of several terranes, a process which influenced
present-day geometry of the Andes and represent the transition to the
subduction stage. An ultimate objective of the symposium is to bring
different research groups to promote collaboration and sharing of
scientific results. |
Mesozoic extension between
Iberia and Europa plates.
E. Iriarte Avilés (Lab. Evolución
Humana, Univ. de Burgos), L.M.
Agirrezabala y M. López Horgue (Univ. País Vasco)
Over the last years, new data
and geodynamic models have appeared that deal with the
tectono-sedimentary and
thermo-magmatic processes related to the extension between the Iberian
and European plates. This has rekindled the scientific discussions
the geoscientists from several disciplines working both in the northern
and southern
slopes of the Pyrenees. Taking advantage this situation, this symposium
seeks to
gather multidisciplinary contributions studying both the features of,
and the
geological processes operating at the Iberian/European plate boundary
during the Mesozoic. Its ultimate aim is to boost the scientific
to update our knowledge on the topic and to design strategies to solve
existing problems and deficiencies in present knwledge. Main
topics to be dealt with are:
the stratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the sedimentary
basins from the
pyrenean domain,
the structure of these basins and the extensional geodynamic processes
operating along the
Iberian/European plate boundary, and
the events and the thermo-magmatic features in relation to the crustal
extension. |
The past, present and future of
hydrocarbon exploration, with an emphasis
on Spain: trends and new applications
C. Macellari (REPSOL
Madrid), J.R. Navarro Comet (CEPSA Madrid),
S. Torrescusa Villaverde (AGGEP) |
This symposium is focused on the history and
evolution of hydrocarbon exploration and on both its future prospects
and challenges, including the application of the information obtained,
special emphasis on Spain. Amongst the points of interest, special
will be paid to unconventional resources and to deep-water exploration.
topics will also include the application of information generated by
exploration to knowledge of the subsurface geology of Spain and to new
applications of this knowledge to CO2 and CH4 storage and also in
geothermal energy. |
As with the scientific sessions, only those symposia attracting more than 10-14 approved oral
communications will be held. The final
programme of symposia will be announced after the deadline for
contribution submission.
Round Tables
the participants´proposals, the final programme of round tables is as
Divulgación de la Geología:
pasado, presente y futuro (Outreach in
Geology: past,
present and future). |
A. Crespo Blanc (Univ. de
Granada). |
This round table aims to publicize the main actions
in geological outreach that are being made in Spain in several fields.
First, the role of museums will be presented by the Director of the
Geominero of the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME,
Geological Suvey of
Spain), Isabel Rábano, and the Director of the Fundación Conjunto
Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis, Luis Alcalá. The second field
pertains to the
scientific societies, such as the Sociedad Geológica de España (SGE).
Ana Crespo Blanc, its
president, will detail the SGE outreach activities nationwide, in
particular Geolodía. Another
important field corresponds
to the natural areas. It will be presented Luis Carcavilla, IGME,
author of several geological guides. Finally, chairman of theAsociación
para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra (Spanish
Association for the
Teaching of Earth Sciences) will introduce the Olimpics in
Geology, an excellent
way to promote geology amongst the youngsters, potential future
geologists. |
La enseñanza de la Geología en
España (Teaching Geology in Spain: state
of the art). |
A. Calonge (Univ. De Alcalá). |
Details on this round table will be added soon. |
Gestión de emergencias frente a
peligros naturales. El papel del geólogo (Natural
hazards and disaster
management: the role of the geologist). |
R.M. Mateos Ruiz (IGME Palma de
Mallorca). |
the earthquake in Lorca (Murcia, May 2011) and the volcanic crisis in
El Hierro (Canary Islands, ongoing since July 2011) have shown that
natural risks related to the Earth’s dynamics are very relevant
concerns in our country. Nevertheless, although both phenomena are
basically geological, the figure of the geologist and their role in
these emergencies went largely unnoticed by the population in general.
Those organisations with geologists on their staff play little role in
the planning and management of early warning systems for earthquakes or
volcanic activity. This has in turn led to the sidelining of Geology as
a Science, and especially of the important contributions its experts
made during these situations of risk. We should ask ourselves just how
this has come about.
This roundtable, which includes experts who have experienced Lorca and
El Hierro firsthand, aims to analyse the role played by geologists in
both cases, their real contributions to the managing of the emergency
and the willingness to include their opinions during the
decision-making process.
Our goal is to establish measures and proposals to overcome our short
sightedness, to learn from past mistakes and to face the future with
optimism. |
Aportes de la Geología en los
nuevos enfoques sobre gestión de riesgos
naturales y ambientales (The
contribution of Geology to the new approaches about the natural and
environmental risk management). |
M. Zango Pascual (Univ. Pablo
Olavide). |
In our global and changing world, the role of geology is sometimes
overlooked and seems to be in decline. This takes place despite
gesociences are closely related with the nature of many of the major
problems confronting our society, and with the approaches to face them.
In particular, the contribution of geologists to risk reduction for
hazards of natural, environmental (s.l.), mixed or complex nature is
essential but not always aknowledged. This round table discusses some
of these topics through the experience of geoscience professionals and
researchers working in fields such as Climate Change, Civil Protection
and Emergency Services, and Environmental Hazards and the related
specific Insurances, Regulatory advances and Hazard Management. These
contributions will be completed with a broader approach to Hazard
Management related to Human Rights policies and to the role and effects
of the environment and natural disasters on the Sustainable Development. |
Presente y futuro de la
Cartografía Geológica (Present and future of
mapping). |
R. Rodríguez Fernández (IGME
Madrid). |
Details on this round table will be added soon. |
Problemática actual de la
conservación del patrimonio geológico mueble (Present-day
problems in the
preservation of portable geological heritage). |
E. Díaz (IGME). |
Since 2007, the geological heritage is considered as a part of the
heritage by the laws and each Autonomous Community of Spain must
implement its rules and make its inventory according to the recently
adopted Strategic National Plan for Natural Heritage. The development
of this legislation collides with the management of the portable
geological heritage (i.e. fossils, minerals, meteorites and other
rocks) that has been implemented so far. The objective of
this round table is to provide an overview of the historical
background, the
current status and the future prospects of the
management of the portable geological heritage. A debate on contrasting
points of
view with the active participation of attendants will be
encouraged. |
Aplicaciones cronológicas del
Paleomagnetismo y Magnetismo de rocas; estado actual y
nuevas perspectivas en Iberia (Chronological
applications of
Palaeomagnetism and Magnetism in rocks: state of the art and new
perspectives in Iberia). |
J.J. Villalaín (Univ. de Burgos)
y R. Soto Marín (IGME Zaragoza). |
Commission on Paleomagnetism of the SGE proposes a round table to
discuss relevant aspects over the several chronological applications of
paleomagnetism and rock magnetism. In addition to magnetostratigraphy
and archaeomagnetism, these applications include the study of magnetic
properties of rocks and minerals and their relation to environmental
changes. The round table will be composed of four speakers,
who are internationally recognized researchers and experts in those
Topics to be dealt with comprise (i) the methodological aspects of
magnetostratigraphic dating, (ii) the Pyrenean domain as one of the
most studied cases of magnetostratigraphy dating, (iii) the recent
global and regional models of secular variation and their application
to archaeomagnetic dating, (iv) the geochronological applications of
environmental magnetism and (v) the current debate on the possible
relationship between changes in EMF and paleoclimatic variations.The
development of these techniques in Iberia and their future prospects
will be also discussed in this round table. |
Los programas de perforaciones
científicas IODP (oceánico) e ICDP
(continental) en España: Progresos y perspectivas (The
IODP (oceanic) and ICDP
(continental) drilling programmes in Spain: Advances and prospects).
M. Comas y C. Escutia (Instituto
Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra,
CSIC-UGR, Granada - Comité Científico IODP/ICDP-España). |
Details on this round table will be added soon. |
El futuro de la profesión de
geólogo y sus especialidades: Progresos y
perspectivas (The
future of the geologist profession and its specialities: Advances and
prospects). |
L. Suárez Ordóñez(ICOG, Madrid) |
Details on this round table will be added soon. |
Geología y vino (Geology
and wine). |
M. Yenes Ortega (Univ. Salamanca) |
What does geology have to do with wine, except that many geologists
like to enjoy a good wine?
The production of wine and its quality depends, among other factors, on
rocky substrate and the type of soil developed over it. In fact,
strains of
the same age, variety and ripeness, cultivated by the same grower with
the same
techniques can lead to different levels of production and quality
depending on the geographic area where farming is done. This is due to
two key
factors influencing the process: climate and geology. The soil where
the vine
is located and from which the plant receives its nutrients is the
of the weathering process of a given rock over a period of time and
given weather conditions. In this workshop we shall see some examples
of how
geology affects the practice of viticulture, both as regards the most
areas for planting vineyards, and the quality of the wines obtained. |
Invited Conferences by well-known specialists are planned. They will
deal with some "hotspots" of the Scientific Sessions:
Dr. Alberto Marcos
Investigando en Geología: del Manto de Glarus a la Tectónica de Placas
(Searching in Geology: from the Glarus Nappe to Plate Tectonics).
Dr. Heather Stoll:
Adaptación geólógica al CO2: productividad marina, meteorización
continental y adaptaciones algares (Geological adaptation to CO2:
marine productivity, continental weathering and algal adaptations).
Dr. Juan Manuel
García Ruiz: Cristales gigantes de Naica: La ciencia que
esconde la belleza (The giant crystals of Naica: beauty behind