
VIII Congreso Geológico de España

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Organizing Committee

Scientific Committee

Congress Structuring

Scientific Programme
For Authors
Congress Calendar
Other Activities


The margin of the Escalada Fm carbonate platform (Moscovian) at Pico Tiatordos  (Ponga Unit) (Photo:  Centro de Cartografía del Principado de Asturias).
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Organizing Committee
President: Luis Pedro Fernández (Dpto de Geología; Universidad de Oviedo).
Members: Juan Ramón Bahamonde (Dpto de Geología; Universidad de Oviedo), Andrés Cuesta (Dpto de Geología; Universidad de Oviedo), María Ángeles Fernández (Dpto de Geología; Universidad de Oviedo).

Scientific Committee
The scientific committee is coordinated by Ana Crespo Blanc (president of the SGE) and is formed of the chairpersons of the scientific sessions, the convenors of the symposia and the round tables and the reviewers who will care for the scientific quality of the contributions.

Agirrezabala, Luis M.González Vallejo, Luis
Alonso Alonso, Juan LuisGracia Prieto, F. Javier
Alonso Chaves, Francisco M.Guillén Mondéjar, Francisco
Alonso Herrero, EduardoGutiérrez, Francisco
Alvarez Pulgar, F . JavierHeredia Carballo, Nemesio
Aramburu Artano, ArantzaHernández Molina, F. Javier
Aramburu Zabala, CarlosHerrero, Nadia
Arias Prieto, DanielHidalgo Estévez, Mari Carmen
Aurell, MarcIriarte Avilés, Eneko
Bahamonde Rionda, Juan R.Jiménez Bautista, Amalia
Bastida Ibáñez, FernandoJiménez Sánchez, Montserrat
Bauliz Lázaro, BlancaLedo, Juanjo
Braga, Juan CarlosLlana Fúnez, Sergio
Bulnes Cudeiro, JoséLópez Fernández, Carlos
Bulnes Cudeiro, M. Teresa
López Horgue, Mikel
Busquets Buezo, PereMacellari, Carlos
Calleja Escudero, LopeMangas Viñuelea, José
Calonge García, M. AmeliaMañanes Pérez, Hilario
Candela, LucilaMartín Izar, Agustín
Carracedo Sánchez, ManuelMateos Ruiz, Rosa M.
Carrancho Alonso, ÁngelMatías, Hugo
Carrasco González, Rosa M.Merino Tomé, Óscar
Casas Layola, DavidMolina Palma, José F.
Castañón Fernández, CésarMorales, Juan Antonio
Cepedal Hernández, M. AntoniaMoreno Caballud, Ana
Coello Monroy, JoséMuñoz García, María Belén
Colmenero Navarro, Juan R.Navarro Comet, Jorge Rafael
Colombo Piñol, FerránOliva Urcía, Belén
Comas, MenchuOrtega Cuesta, Luis Ángel
Crespo Blanc, AnaPedreira Rodríguez, David
Cruz Sanjulián, JavierPérez Cerdán, Fernando
Cuesta Fernández, AndrésPoblet Esplugas, Josep
Díaz Cusí, JordiProenza Fernández, Joaquín
Diaz de Terán, J. RamónPulido Bosch, Antonio
Díaz del Río, VíctorQuintana Rodríguez, Luis
Díaz Martínez, EnriqueRemacha Grau, Eduard
Díez Herrero, AndrésRiaza García, Asunción
Escutia, CarolaRodríguez Fernández, L. Roberto
Farias Arquer, Pedro
Rodríguez Rey, Ángel
Fernández Días, LurdesRuiz de Argandoña, Vicente
Fernández González, Luis P.Ruiz Zapata, Blanca
Fernández González, M. ÁngelesSánchez de Posada, Luis C.
Fernández Martínez, EsperanzaSarmiento, Graciela
Fernández Rodríguez, F. JoséSierro Sánchez, F. Javier
Fernández Viejo, GabrielaSoler Matamala, Josep
Flor Rodríguez, GermánSoto Marín, Ruth
Fuertes, MercedesStoll, Heather
Gallardo Lancho, JuanStow, Dorrik
Gallart, JosepSuarez Barrios, Mercedes
Gallastegui Suárez, JorgeSuárez Ordóñez, Luis
García Sansegundo, Joaquín
Tarrío Sanjurjo, Luis
García, NuriaTorrescusa Villaverde, Susana
Garzón Heydt, GuillerminaValverde Vaquero, Pablo
Gervilla Linares, FernandoVilla Otero, Elisa
Gil Ibarguchi, J. IgnacioYenes Ortega, Mariano
Giralt Romeu, SantiagoVillalaín, Juan José
Gómez-Paccard, MiriamVillarroya, Fermín
González Menéndez, LuisZango-Pascual, Marga

Congress Structuring
The VIII Congreso Geológico de España will be structured around the scientific sessions and the field trips  that are offered.

Also, the Congress will host the General Assembly of the Sociedad Geológica de España, and the Annual Meetings of the Commisions on Tectonics, Stratigraphy and Palaeomagnetism (Comisiones de Tectónica, Estratigrafía y Paleomagnetismo) of the SGE.
During the Closing Ceremony, a tribute will be paid to the pioneering women in Geology, who made their way in a male-dominated profession. The tribute will be convened by Ana Alonso Zarza (Universidad Complutense) and Ana Crespo Blanc (Universidad de Granada) and during it an award will be given to the attending pioneers. If you are not registered to the congress and wish to attend this ceremony, you will be able to withdraw an identification badge
on the same day at the Congress desk.

Congress activities are complemented by the social programme. A conference dinner is offered to the attendees. Also,
partners and family members accompanying registered delegates can enjoy an accompanying persons programme.

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Contact us

Scientific Secretariat and Correspondence
VIII Congreso Geológico de España
Dpto de Geologí­a. Universidad de Oviedo
C/ Arias de Velasco s/n
33005 Oviedo, España

cge2012 at geol.uniovi.es

Technical Secretariat:
Fundación Universidad de Oviedo (FUO)
(Roberto J. González Fernández, Adriana Suárez Paredes)
C/ Principado, 3, 4º.  33007-Oviedo
Tlf:+34 985.104.935/36  Fax: +34 985.104.928
roberto.fuo at uniovi.es, adriana.fuo at uniovi.es
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February 27st, 2012

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